Friday, March 13, 2009

Saturday 14th February 2009

Ay may gawd las nysh was loike SAY MENTAL. Shaners is like so mental and like SUCH a free spirit – he was there last night wearing like a t-shirt with like just an actual tiger on it – and then him and Foggy were like lamping cds at each other for ages – they ended up like spilling cranberry juice all over Sub’s decks but we were all like in SUCH mental humour that it like so didn’t affect the banter (or the quality of tunes for that matter) and we ended up having like a massive pillow fight while listening to Dr. Lektroluv – who is like so whoppers he should more or less be banned.

I just noticed when we got back to Justyne babe’s dad’s gaff after like Digitalism (Eh...SO mad) that Rob’s t-shirt just said ‘Eh...FUCK OFF LETS FUCKING DANCE FOR FUCK SAKE BABY’ – so I’m like straight over to the guy and after like mess fighting for like 5 minutes with him, spilling like drinks everywhere and like wrecking Sub’s decks again (SO crazy – that’s like 4 sets of decks this year we’ve wrecked by virtue of being like SUCH off-the-chain-mentalists) and getting like Amy to like take pics with her digital I’m like, seriously man yir like SO mental with that t-shirt and oh my god like SUCH a free spirit – rob’s like I know man but like we’re like all SUCH mental free spirits that like I don’t know why yir picking me out, and I’m like ‘Eh..yir t-shirt is like off any chain I’ve ever seen, and its like SO ‘I LOVE TECHNO’. So we agree that while we are all like SO mental, with that t-shirt Rob is like both mental and like SUCH a free spirit concurrently, or whatever.

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