Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday 15th February 2009

Eh went to some gig last night in like Tripod and it was like so nigs! It was so not banging and mental and like the crowd were like so shit....yid swear everyone was like a zombie the way they were just like floating around and like not even occasionally shouting ‘AY MAY GAWD THIS IS LIKE AMAZING – YEA MAYSH GIVING IT LAIDS’ – and just be like so fucked on like WHATEVER. Instead everyone was just like in a like trance listening to this bleepy shite – and me n Ciara agreed this would so not have happened back in the days of like Digitalism in the student bar – sometimes I really think music has lost its way...that so didn’t stop us from like taking like mad pics of like the whole gang like sticking their tongues out and like air kissing each other, which on an otherwise disappointing night was like so ‘eh...YEA!’

Luckily we like salvaged things back in like Caso’s step mom’s house – it was like SO funny....Caso and Si ended up having like a smoke fight? I know like WHAT were they n the girls were just like watching them laughing our tits off, but also being like ‘guys you’re like so weird but like SUCH liberated mentalists that I like LOVE it’. We were like so taken aback that we only managed to take like 4 dozen photos of them...

Then right, it was so random..we were like knackers deep in banter and some like deadpan like stoner or whatever came into the room (eh it's like who invited all those buttoned down anti-buzzers – whoever did is like SO NOT SONAR’) and was like ‘Lads for fuck sake DON'T. We need those ciggys, we’re trying to have a buzz here and frankly the lot of you are destroying everyone’s tits with your cheese ass out of date electro naassness, poor attempts to be relevant, constant reference to how MENTAL you all collectively are, and now, in the name of ZANYNESS you’ve gone and fucked up a box of potentially delicious cigs...take your t-shirts that say things on them, your neon shades and raspberry vodka, and jump in a very expensive taxi to whatever dart stop you undoubtedly live beside and cheese the fuck off’...and like we’re all in such shock that Bex can barely get the words ‘eh that guy is like SO NOT a free spirit’ and fogs can barely assent ‘and like SO not that mental’.

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